Most people begin to experience baldness at the age of 50 years, but there are also experienced it at the age of less than 21 years. This condition can be caused by several things, ranging from heredity to certain diseases. To be able to overcome baldness, we need to know first what the causes are. Severe hair loss can cause baldness. There are times when baldness forms a certain pattern. Some resemble the M shape because baldness only occurs in the temple area or round on the top of the head. This condition often occurs in men, but women can also experience it. Causes of Baldness About 100 strands of hair will fall out every day, but this does not cause baldness because new hair will grow at the same time. New baldness will occur when hair growth is disrupted or hair follicles are damaged. Some things that can cause baldness are: Genetic or hereditary factors. Hormonal changes. Certain conditions or diseases, such as malnutrition, syphilis, anemia, thyroid disorders, and fun...
Eye disease is a health disorder that is quite common in society. Complaints can be in the form of red eyes, itching, burning, vision problems, to blindness. Of the many eye diseases, there are several eye diseases that are common in Indonesia. Eye disease can strike anyone and at any time. The treatment also varies, some heal by itself, there is also a need for medical treatment (for example with eye pain medication) from an eye specialist. To anticipate this, do regular eye examinations so that eye disease is quickly detected and treated as early as possible. Frequent Eye Diseases Here are some common eye diseases that occur in Indonesia: 1. Conjunctivitis This eye disease occurs when the soft tissue around the eyes becomes inflamed and makes the eyes red, runny, sore, and itchy. Conjunctivitis can be caused by irritation, allergies, or infection. If caused by a bacterial infection, the eyes can become festering. This condition is one of the things that often makes eye pain i...